
Trying this again...with ScribeFire.

I've decided to try a new tool again to possibly get back in to blogging a bit. This time, I'm using ScribeFire (an add-in on Firefox). This post itself is somewhat of a "test" to see how it works.


November 4th. One Word Thoughts.

Mad.  Scared.  Gay.  Liberal.  Abortions.  Negro.  Fooled.  Attacked.  Demise.


Note to Self...

Offshore contracting is only good for manual, repetitive labor.  Anything above that, they just take all your time asking you how to do what you are paying them to do.


Gotta love Digsby

It’s a tool like Trillian that combines multiple chat clients into one.  It also will display email for most all the web email services, as well as POP.

Also, it tracks social networks, such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Linked-In.  Check it out for yourself… www.digsby.com



A New Hope (in an old way)

Go to “Start”

Click “Run”

Type “telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl”

